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Blended Learning Intensive Programme

House of Europe International Songwriting Project 

With House of Europe - International Songwriting Project, the VMI is implementing a Blended Learning Intensive Programme (BIP) developed in cooperation with five international partner universities. This is a new Erasmus+ mobility format that combines virtual learning periods with physical group mobility (5-30 days) and promotes innovative teaching and learning methods. A BIP requires a minimum of 3 higher education institutions participating in the Erasmus programme from 3 different programme countries and a minimum of 15 students participating, who should be able to achieve at least 3 ECTS.


Since 2015, immigration in Europe has exploded and has become an even more important political and practical issue to manage. The conflicts in the Middle East have forced hundreds of thousands of people to emigrate. Europe faces a new challenge: how can it welcome all immigrants and refugees and support immigration in a way that upholds human rights in all circumstances?


The House of Europe International Songwriting Project aims to promote interaction between music students from different European countries and migrant musicians, to open borders and to bring a human and artistic perspective through music to the multicultural society.


What is our cultural background? How can we work together artistically and personally? How are we doing in the "House of Europe? The innovative mobility curriculum based on these questions is prepared, planned and implemented in cooperation with the partner universities Metropolia University of Applied Sciences Helsinki, HKU Utrechts Conservatorium, Conservatorio di Musica "Luisa D'Annunzio" Pescara, Centro Superior Musica Creativa Madrid, Spain, University of Tartu - Viljandi Culture Academy. 


In addition, the ongoing coronavirus crisis has severely affected both the educational and creative worlds, resulting in international travel restrictions, limited social interaction, cancelled live events and health problems. The House of Europe International Songwriting Project addresses these issues by combining digital teaching and teamwork using the latest digital music production and communication tools with participatory songwriting workshops and live event production.

In the summer semester of 2024, our House of Europe International Songwriting Project will take place for the sixth time! After successful projects in Helsinki, Utrecht, Pescara, Vienna and Madrid, the journey now goes to Estonia to our partner school University of Tartu, Viljandi Culture Academy.

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"Die ganze Woche war ein einziges Highlight für mich! Für meine Zukunft nehme ich mir mit, dass ich in Zukunft jede Gelegenheit nutzen werde, wieder an ähnlichen Projekten teilzunehmen, ich habe so viel dabei gelernt, auf musikalischer organisatorischer und menschlicher Ebene. Ich habe wirklich jeden Moment genossen und bin mit 20 neuen Freund*innen aus den verschiedensten Ländern und neuen Liedern nachhause gekommen."


(Konstantin Liangos, IGP-Student Gitarre)

"It was a unique experience! I already had a basics of songwriting and co-writing, but this experience taught me to work with any person from any part oft he world with different musical tastes or backgrounds. I learned to believe more in my music, I felt free from judgments. The day oft the final concert was magical!"


(Roberto Randazzo, Music Production-Student)

"For me personally, the biggest thing I learned this week is that great things happen when you allow yourself to be confident and spontaneous and open, musically but also in general with yourself and others. I am so incredibly grateful I got to be a part of this amazing project and I absolutely adore every piece of music that was created (all of them are still stuck in my head) and I met so many nice cool people which hopefully I’ll see again very soon!"


(Alia Wüschner, Songwriting-Studentin)

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